Speakers positionning

I just try a new toe-in for my speakers, and it worth the move.  Instead of crossing the focus behind my head ( at position seat), now it cross in front of me at 2 feet.  The highs are well defined and present  with well blend music and no more edgy treble at "forté" passage...  But it depends of your room and speakers...  You can read more about here:

Showing 6 responses by geoffkait

Following how exhibitors do things at the big shows is like lemmings jumping off a cliff.
Speaking of distance between speakers, it’s a common misconception that wider apart is generally better. As fate would have it most speakers should actually be placed closer together than they are. Check it out. Once you overlook the closer together position you will never find the optimum position, which depends on many factors. Do the math.
Uh, we’ve already established many folks get good results with toe in. That’s beside the point. It all comes down to what you’re trying to achieve and how far you’re willing to go. 
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the best soundstage along with everything else can ONLY be achieved using a foolproof method like the speaker placement track on the XLO Test CD or similar test CD. The better the room is treated for acoustic anomolies the bettercsuccess you will have with this method. You will find that speakers generally should be placed CLOSER together than people assume AND toe-in is a make do substitute for not having the correct speaker locations and or room acoustics treatments. Trying to find the IDEAL SPEAKER LOCATIONS by trial and error is like trying to solve x simultaneous equations in x + N unknowns. You will inevitably wind up with local maximums but not (rpt not) the real maximums.
That’s weird. Most speakers will produce the best soundstage, frequency response, dynamics when pointing straight ahead, with no tie in or very little toe in. Of course speakers should be placed very carefully in the ideal locations for the magic to occur and the room should be thoughtfully treated 🤔 to address acoustic anomalies.
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