Speakers play down till ?hz before imaging suffers

What cut off frequency should be used before sense of direction or sound stage suffer.
I remember reading or hearing somewhere that down till 40 hz our ears are able to sense placement, does that mean that the main speakers should play down till 40hz and the subs take over from there on down? Does this improve intermodular distortion? Is this (40 hz) correct ?
I am searching for a crossover and was curious if this should be used to determine where to crossover or other parameters should be used. Or would doing listening tests be better?

Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

Once you start getting below 100Hz localization of the sound becomes difficult/impossible. Genereally speaking, find out what the 3db down point is for your main speakers and setup your sub to come in at slightly above that freq.

This is a "ballpark" figure and is subject to change based upon your speakers, room, etc...
