Speakers or room

I have a very lively room. Tile floors, large window and open area. If you clap there is a loud echo. Furniture is limited. I set up Kef LS50w and the sound is recessed not forward. The room is 26 x13 and even up close it doesn't sound good. Is it the room? What should I do ? Wife acceptance factor comes into play. 


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I would start with treating the upper and lower corners of the room. Eliminating Echo slap will provide significant reduction of artifacts.

I was in a reverberant space years ago with high ceilings and many corners. Even using the very small and thin Roomtune corner traps fixed a tremendous amount of the problem

As suggested already, curtains over the window is a no brainer since it will be aesthetic as well.
A nice Persian rug looks great and may help.

With those basics done, you can listen then decide what other areas to treat.

As mentioned, you should get the speakers away from the rear walls.

If you end up with decent results, then consider upgrading to a more appropriate speaker. No use doing so unless and until you improve the room.
