Speakers or room

I have a very lively room. Tile floors, large window and open area. If you clap there is a loud echo. Furniture is limited. I set up Kef LS50w and the sound is recessed not forward. The room is 26 x13 and even up close it doesn't sound good. Is it the room? What should I do ? Wife acceptance factor comes into play. 


Showing 2 responses by bennet08

select-hifi, talking of which, when I've been comparing two different audio receivers ( from this website: https://chooserator.com/compare-av-receivers ) models called  Marantz SR7011  and  Yamaha RX-A3070BL  -  I've chosen the most functional, which in my opinion Yamaha is. It can demonstrate really powerful and dynamic, but at the same time soft sound.