Speakers known for great midrange.

I’m looking for a pair of stand mount speakers with great midrange. Smooth,and syrupy. Powering them with Pass INT-25. Any suggestions are appreciated.


Showing 1 response by curtdr

Klipsch Heritage series, like Heresy IV, Forte IV (but that one can be picky w positioning), or Cornwall if you have the space. 

The new KLH model 5 has good mids.

And of course the oldies but goodies EPI (Epicure) like Epi 100 or Epi 50 or their new iterations by Human Speakers like the model 81 (or new HS parts in old Epi or Epicure cabinets...).  I've had Epi 100 for 40 years, now updated w Human parts, and it has provided decades of hard-to-beat beauty.  Maybe -- and I say maybe -- not the "final word" in detail or imaging, but extraordinary nonetheless and I have heard many many much more expensive speakers (take the Yamaha NS1000 as just one example) that I'd pass on in favor of the Epi.  The tweeter, especially the new Human Speakers iteration, is truly one of the best overall generalists and the woofer is no slouch... tight and clear.  Linear, dispersed and non-demanding of placement and seating, and no-fatiguing rich clear musical sound.  Add a sub for below 40 or maybe 50, and you're golden. I ran 'em without sub for most of the time I've had them, and they are great even so...