Speakers known for great midrange.

I’m looking for a pair of stand mount speakers with great midrange. Smooth,and syrupy. Powering them with Pass INT-25. Any suggestions are appreciated.


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+1 for HARBETH

Sample reviews of the 30.2XD



Harbeth’s Monitor M30.2 XD is a loudspeaker with a very easy listening feel; there’s some gentle midrange warmth that seems to add to rather than diminish the sonic experience. Still, it’s pretty transparent all the same, meaning that it favours good recordings where it stays out of the way more than you might expect. It certainly doesn’t sugarcoat bad recordings, that’s for sure. In addition to this, the Harbeth shows real musicality; it accurately handles rhythms and dynamics, whilst never shouting at the listener…. I heard outstanding midrange clarity and excellent smooth integration with the treble, producing realistic tones.

The new version of Alan Shaw’s Harbeth Monitor 30.1...is the best compact two-way speaker system I have ever heard, regardless of design type, cost, or complexity. The Monitor 30.1 is a constant joy and pleasure to listen to, consummately natural, unbelievably beautiful."

- Paul Seydor, theabsolutesound.com