Over the past 30 or so years, I've had and auditioned many very nice speakers - electrostatic, ribbon and box - the Quad ESL 63s one of my favorites. When I downsized my environment, I went on the search to find something in a small package that would sound as much like real music as the Quads. After much evaluation, for a two way dynamic speaker, I found few dynamic speakers that sounded less boxy and more like real live music (in spite of it' low $,2000.00 price tag) than the Gershman Chameleon. Because of my long time love of electrostats and ribbons and now with a bit more room, I now have a set of Magie 1.7s and possibly upgrading to the 3.7is, but for a very musical 2 way un-boxy box with very good detail, decent base and convincing stage - check out the little Gershmans.