Speakers good for close to wall placement

There are quite a few speakers I would like to purchase, but I need to be realistic. I will need to find some speakers that perform well when placed close to the rear wall. After that choice I can move on to selecting the proper integrated amp to drive them. Any suggestions on which speakers work well near the rear wall?

Showing 5 responses by cincyhound

Another huge thanks to everyone and their suggestions. You all have really opened up my mind to new possibilities. I must have been living under a rock the last few years. 
Thanks for the suggestions. I’d like to go with tubes for my amp, so higher efficiency would be best. What are your thoughts on Klipsch Cornwalls?
Wow, thanks everyone! Lots of new avenues to explore here and exposure to a couple of brands I have never heard of. I’m really leaning toward Raven or Linear Tube for my amp, so efficiency will be a prime consideration. 
Thanks again to everyone for their suggestions. Looks like I have a lot more options than I originally thought. I was surprised that no one mentioned Volti Audio. They were high on my list to consider, especially the new Raaz model. Very efficient and a good match for tubes. Any thoughts on these?
Willgolf3030. I have looked at Raven and their equipment looks really good. Another toy catching my eye is a pair of monoblocks from Amps and Sound - haven’t heard them, but they are beautiful. For speakers, I am currently interested in some from Volti Audio. Super efficient. I still have time, so I’ll probably change my mind ten times by August.