speakers for wall bookcase

boy i hate to ask this question, but it may be one of the most important questions i have ever ask in fifty years of audio, i have downsize to an apt. studio and have only a wall of shelves for my equipment. i need new elctronics, cd,int.amp. speakers..some suggestions thanks dwhitt

Showing 1 response by rar1

I live in an apartment and two of my systems (2 channel HT and Bedroom) have "speakers on shelf" placement. You will need to purchase either acoustic suspension/ sealed box speakers or front ported speakers. With that said, I have done very well with NHT SB2 (discontinued and replaced by the Classic 2). If you can find a pair of NHT SB2's or SB3's they are well worth it and way more than competent. The new NHT Classic 2's and 3's are a bit pricier and slightly better performers.

If you were to go the NHT route, I would suggest pairing them with a NAD C320BEE integrated amplifier ($400 list) and a Music Hall MMF A25 CD player ($540). Excellent synergy and stunning sound for the price (all in about $1500 list). I had this combination for a few years (before upgrading) and was very pleased.

If you want to go tubes, another combination (currently owned and in play) is the Prima Luna Prologue 2 and Omega Super 3 loudspeakers. Paired with the same Music Hall CD player, the system has great synergy and sound for about $2500.

If you are tempted to go with a receiver, Outlaw Audio has just released a gem of a two channel receiver (the RR2150). I now have the Outlaw paired with the NHT's and I like it. I have not had the Outlaw long enough to say that it is better than the NAD C320BEE ... but it is at least pretty good for the cash.

Regards, Rich