Speakers for VAC sigma 160i -- need inputs

Hi, need inputs from the pros here...

Anybody knows which speaker is the best for VAC sigma 160i.
price range should be around 5k-15k

Im thinking of these :

1. Tannoy Kensington.
2. Reference 3a nefes.
3. Magico s1.
4. Totem element metal.
5. coincident super victory 2.
6. Duevel bella luna.

7. or something else....your recommendation will be appreciated...

Showing 1 response by opuslab

This thread was quiet for a few months, so I thought I'd add some input. I bought VAC Sigma 160i last November. I ordered it with balanced input and MC phono options. I had a pair of Harbeth SHL-5 left from my old system, so I was using the VAC with them for a couple of months. I hate to say it, but it wasn't a very impressive combo. Harbeths performed so much better with a SS amp. Swapping Cardas for CrystalCable interconnects and speaker cables helped a lot, but still, I wasn't impressed. I am now using the VAC with a pair of Vivid B-1's, and THAT sounds like music. Stock tubes, but considering swapping the preamp section for a different ones.