Speakers for string Quartets

Hi, I know already this is not a great question to ask, but…I’m looking for speakers that will only be used for string quartets.  Looking for something that will give me some of he sound of the body of the violin, not just strings. Looking for transparency with great tone, but don’t care too much about bass.
I have a large room, but never listen above 80db

current amps are Pass xa25, first watt F8, Aric Audio Single ended kt88, PS Audio m700.

just looking to really hear the violins, cellos. 
hHopefully the narrow range of music can reduce the list of prospects.




Showing 1 response by tunefuldude

I’m pretty new to the hobby, and consequently, don’t have nearly as much experience as most of these guys, but I own a pair of Martin Logan Summits that make quartets sound amazing. I’ve sort of marveled over it, really.

Somebody mentioned timbre. I think that nails it. Especially when it comes to stringed instruments. As others’ve also mentioned, I guess there’s something about electrostatics. I’m just blown away by the image and soundstage that these speakers present. With the electronics you have and some good clean power I can only imagine how they would sound.

One of the reasons I got these speakers is because of how gorgeous they are from a visual slash design standpoint. I don’t think I’d be as cool with the idea of pulling a box speaker out away from the wall the way I have with these, of course, so I can get excellent acoustics. But they’re sexy as hell to look at and I’m being serious. One of the reasons I got them is because, to me, they’re almost like a piece of art in terms of the industrial design. I consider it a real bonus that they fit so well with the design of my place. Visually, they’re very cool. They’re expensive as hell but if you can afford them I think they’ll do the trick.

The 15A’s somebody else mentioned are kind of in a different league than mine and they’re probably the ticket. I read a little bit about the way the woofers oppose each other in the design of the bass cabinet back when I was shopping for mine and it sounds like a really cool design. The second ten inch woofer in mine is down firing instead of opposing and I think the 15A is actually a better design. If you’ve got those bucks I think they’re probably worth it. You know the law of diminishing returns, right? We all have to draw the line somewhere.         : )

In terms of how the acoustic is formed, it’s my understanding that when you get the bass right, everything sounds better across the spectrum, esp the higher frequencies. And even though you listen to stringed music only, I’m thinking this is how you’re going to really get the sound you’re after. I hear you when you say you’re not really into bass, but my experience is that when I started to get a handle on the bass it sort of opened up the higher frequencies. It was like the missing piece, you might say. It sort of filled in the picture.

@mahgister is right, it’s all about the room acoustic ... and especially, if for whatever reason you’re not into that, you know, treating your room. Or if you have an ideal space to set them up, then the next best option I believe is a speaker that’s designed to give you that acoustic.

The way the sound waves move and interact in the room in the dipole configuration to form the acoustic is what I think is really cool from an acoustical engineering standpoint. The curved panel is part of what causes a unique wave launch, which is especially relevant in the higher frequencies I guess.

I had to study room acoustics a little bit to get mine placed properly, in order to get them to perform to their potential, but when I did I was floored. And I’ve been in audio nirvana ever since. I think Mahgister gets it. : ) For me, it was the you don’t know what you don’t know, thing. I believe these speakers may be cut out for what you’re looking for though.

Let us know what you decide and hope you enjoy!