Speakers for Rock

I'm looking to buy the system of my dreams. I listen to mainly rock music - everything from 50s, classic rock like Led Zepplin to new stuff like Blink 182. I listen to country, jazz, classical here & there.

My question is - what brands of speakers are best for rock music?

I've been looking at B&W CDM9's pretty seriously, as well as Thiel or maybe the 804s used. But I often hear comments regarding the B&Ws that they aren't the best for rock. I'm not sure where to start on this search - there are so many brands and most shops only sell a few so I'm looking for some pointers......

(As for components, I've been thinking of Rotel separates or a B&K 805.)

Thanks for the help!
I once auditioned B&W DM603 and I thought they were fantastic rock speakers, but a little bit unrefined for classical. They would partner well with less expensive electronics such as NAD, Rotel, Creek, and would probably be a lot of fun. I bet the DM604s are pretty fun too.
Also look for Mission 753s if you can find them used.

You need to give your price range .. people here throw around krell, levinson etc. like we all have that sort of money.
I have B&W CDM 7nt's and let me tell you they CAN rock!! I listen to everything from Jazz to Heavy metal...and never have been disappointed. Powered with Amps from a Mcintosh 162 solid state to a AES DJH super amp! They can and will rock....now if you want to break the windows in your house you may want to add a sub to your system...but thats not my taste.
revel f30,I use them for any music,unbeliavable deep bass,excellent trebles and highs,huuuuge soundstage.Also want to recomend Naim amplification for it's dynamics.Mike
Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'm going to be checking out Paradigms today (hopefully) and some other brands this weekend......
I'm surprised noone mentioned that B&W CDM9s are a league higher than rotel separates. Rotel makes good stuff, but not in the same league as CDM9s.
I'd be careful to make sure that you audition the speakers with the amp that you'll be driving them with. Otherwise you might find you audition CDM9s with $2-3k of amplification driving them (they'll sound fabulous), get them home and hook them up to your rotel kit and be severely disappointed.

I'd suggest in the B&W line rotel will match up well with the DM603s or 604s, and you'll have to step up to Bryston, Arcam, Creek, Naim or better amplification before the CDM9s are a good match.

but the main message is make sure you demo the whole system before buying parts. $2500 speakers driven by a $800 receiver will likely sound much worse than $1500 speakers driven by a $1500 integrated amp.