speakers for classical music

Would like to hear from classical music listeners as to best floorstanders for that genre. B&W 803's sound good but want to get input with regard to other possibilities.

Showing 8 responses by musicnoise

for the person recommending vienna acoustics - what electronics work well for those speakers (mahlers and something smaller)- both amp and preamp? And in general what are people who listen to classical music using to drive their speakers? Tastes run from symphony (mahler beethoven) through instrumental and chamber.
What are good models and manufacturer's for actives? Will active's also sound good at low volumes. It would be nice to have the same set of speakers for Mahler's 2nd symphony at 100 db and a shubert trio in the early morning at 70 db? I have heard good things about Mackie's but have never listened to a pair. Also is the horn technology a problem? Actives actually look like a good idea - built in amps, right amount of power per driver, etc. What are the downside to actives and why do are there so few active's as opposed to passives?
Does anyone drive sonus or vienna speakers with mcintosh mc402 - how are the results?
Interesting responses. Narrowing the field a little. Not interested in horns, electrostats, personal (vs established company) designs etc. Speaker must sound good for both 105 db orchestral and 70 db chamber. Not interested in opinions from those who think that the speaker wire has an effect (other than the awg) or that biwiring has an effect. size of room subject to vary. budget not a driving force - but large increases in cost for small change in quality is not sought after.
Got a chance to listen to several active speakers this weekend. Looks like this may be the way to go. Out of the bunch the genelec 8040 sounded the best - a great sounding little speaker - detailed, clean, and sounded good at low and high spl's. Also seemed to handle the high spl's easier than any passive I have listened to. Unfortunately, no one close by had any of the 3 way units or even the 8050. Also looked around for ATC actives but no one close by had those in stock. Looks like it is going to be a good 6 hour drive from the DC area to find either for a demo. Would like to hear from anyone who compared 3way speakers from ATC and Genelec - particularly the Genelec 1037C to the ATC SCM100ASL. Could you described the difference. Also how is the power consumption for these units - i.e. can you run them off the same 15 amp circuit w/o any problem.
Thought I'd get back to everyone on progress. By the way - a lot of great comments, very enlightening and really opened up some options and considerations. Had not thought of actives but now that is a real option. As to recent demo's and what I have found - of course, a matter of my tastes only - I am sure all of the products I have demo'd are very good (still a lot to go) - B&W 803s and 804s - both nice - 803s a little "fuller" and a sounded better at low spl's than the 804s - but not perfect. 803d and 802d - did not like - 'screechy' at high spl's and sounded strained all driven with Mac 402. Of note, the 802d triggered the power guard on mac 402 at high spl on Fischer's Mahler 2 on Channel Classics - not significant just found it interesting. Montior audio 60 - nothing wrong with this one - just did not do anything for me. Dali 400 mk 2 - nice sounding - about on par with the 803s a very nice sounding speaker. PSB synchrony 1 - actually very nice - was surprised - just did not expect much - but it held up nicely at fairly high spl's - 102 on Mahler and on Von Karajan DG utopia (1962). Tended to not break up or get too bright at high spl's. Meridian 5200 dsp - too bright for me at high spl - pretty much the same with all of the Focals. Genelec active 8040 - nice, clean, held up very well at high spl's - intend to travel to hear higher models. Dynaudio BM5's? also nice - fit right in between the genelec and a mackie 824. So progress. Any further comments are welcome - this may give you an idea of my tastes etc. Also surprised that more folks aren't mac fans - again, any reaonably informative comments are welcome.
Learsfool: Thank you for your detailed and informative reply. Truly a scholar and a gentleman.
Learsfool : What preamp and amp are you using to drive those Klipsch Cornwall's and what preamp and amp is your uncle using to drive the Altec Lansing Voice of the Theater's ?