Speakers for Bryston

Suggestions for speakers that mate well with Bryston electronics?

Running Bryston BCD-1 CDP, BDA-1 DAC, BP25 pre, and 4BSST amp.

I tend to listen to jazz, classical, vocal and instrumental music.. and, of course, a smattering of everything else! I don't usually listen at loud volumes.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 3 responses by kbarkamian

I haven't found cold, clinical, grainy or any combination of the above with Bryston. I've owned a B60 for a few years (SST no less), and have heard others countless times.

Bryston is very transparent. Transparent to the degree where many mistake the end sound with Bryston rather than looking upstream and downstream.

I've found systems with Bryston in them to be bright, dark, edgy, smooth, forward, laid-back, and everything else. What does that tell me? It's showing what it's fed.

Sounds like a BS answer to the original question, but I can't think of much of anything that'll not work well. It all depends on the sound you desire. The 4B will drive pretty much any speaker well from an electrical standpoint. It's a robust and stable amp. I'm sure there's some absurdly hard to drive speakers out there that'll make the 4B sweat a bit though.

Go on Audio Circle and ask James Tanner which speakers used Bryston in shows. That may give you a start. Thiel and Magnepan come to mind.
To add...

Personally, I like Audio Physic, Totem, and PMC with Bryston. B&W is a popular match, but I never really cared for B&Ws that much. They're not crap by any means, but I think they've got a ton of competition at their price points that are better.

I saw in another thread that you have used Totems for a while. Have you heard the Mani-2? One of the absolute best speakers I've heard, regardless of price. They need a ton of power to get them moving, but your 4B should easily provide that so long as you keep in below ear damaging levels and your room isn't an auditorium.

I really like ATCs as well, as someone else mentioned. My one and only criticism of them is they need to play at s bit higher SPL to open up and show their magic IMO. If you've got a larger room this may not be an issue. If it's average or smaller, it could be a make or break thing. I would have bought a pair had I not heard this during a few demos.