Speakers for Bryston

Suggestions for speakers that mate well with Bryston electronics?

Running Bryston BCD-1 CDP, BDA-1 DAC, BP25 pre, and 4BSST amp.

I tend to listen to jazz, classical, vocal and instrumental music.. and, of course, a smattering of everything else! I don't usually listen at loud volumes.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 2 responses by agisthos

Seriously I would not be concerned with just your speakers, but the 4BSST amp. Bryston is a cold, clinical, and grainy sound.

The reason for this is not because Bryston 'tells it like it is', but because Bryston engineers come from a pro audio backround and designed their amps with measurement theory rather than listening.

The new SST2 range of amps have supposedly resolved this problem and are much better, some say.

Lengthy auditions at 3 different dealers and 3 very different speaker types, KEF, Sonus Faber, and Krix. This was ST and early SST days. Out of date opinion, because since then there has been SST2.

To me the sound was consistant as I described, across all systems and my test disc compilation, whether audiophile recordings or regular music.

I do not want to detract from the speaker selection emphasis on this thread, but perhaps you may want to audition the new SST2 range as well as check new speakers.