Speakers for a very large room?

Reader of posts for a few years but have not posted a serious question until now. Currently have McIntosh integrated tube amp with some old KEF speakers. While I enjoy it in my current setting, I am moving to a house where my listening room will be 30' x 40' x 10'. It has polished concrete floors. Sounds like a grocery store but it is not. I suspect I will need to change speakers but really have no clue where to start. I listen mostly to progressive rock but also anything in the same general area. I don't know where to start with such a room? I am at least 3 hours from any major city. I did experience Treo CTs once and to bright for my ears and Wilsons but did not care for the visual appearance though liked the sound better. It was a few years ago so can't better define what I liked.  Not a great resume of listening experience but it is what it is at this point. For some reason, which may be completely wrong, I am thinking electrostatic may work well in this setting. I could easily move them 5 feet out from the back wall but then again I really don't know what I am talking about. Any kind comments would be appreciated.


Showing 6 responses by ricmci

I also forgot to say I think my budget for speakers alone would be in the $6,000 range. Thanks.

Thank you Larry. I have considered that but I am not sure my SO will allow such a thing hung in the corners of the room. I think I can probably get away with some throw rugs. That is always the push-pull of this situation. If I can't do room treatments then I will have to upgrade speakers and/or consider room correction device. Maybe I will enjoy my current KEFs in my new home but thinking otherwise right now.
Thank you eric_squires. I was not familiar with JBL Studio Monitors until you gave your strong recommendation for them. I am sure they sound just fantastic in your set up. I only wish I could upgrade to that level of listening that you endorse.  Maybe one day I will be so lucky.  Thanks for your insight. We all should be so greatful to receive such well thought out replies.
Thanks you all for the responses.  I will definitely look into the Tannoys.  Never thought about horns but will research.  I am not sure I have very many options other than to make the large room work.  System certainly not going in the master bedroom.  Other smaller room will be a bedroom and the other will be a gym.  Smaller detached carriage house would be perfect but then not ideal for entertaining guests or having my family enjoy it.  I am going to get it set up and see what needs improving.  I suspect first thing will be consideration of some room treatments as suggested by many of you.  

Thanks, Rich 
Ok. I have to admit that I am one of those loyal McIntosh customers but would be willing to eventually upgrade in-brand.  They have treated me well over the years and I love the warmth with the kind of music I like. Might be short sighted but it is what it is.  Anyways, I am hearing room treatments and klipshorns with subs over and over. Much appreciated. I will start there. The one thing I love about this hobby/addiction is the ability to not do things hastily. Sit back and reassess. If you think you missed a good deal, it will eventually come around again.  Thanks to everyone for your insight!
Thanks to everyone for providing recommendations and education. I will be able to come back to this post once I am set up for some direction. It has been incredibly helpful. Rich