Speakers for a large vaulted room?

I have a listening room that is new to me. I have had trouble with my gear in this room and I want to see if anyone thinks the speakers will make a difference.

First, the room is rectangular with a brick fireplace flue that goes floor to ceiling pretty much dead center of the room. from front wall(speaker side) to back wall; a distance of 23'. I sit with my back to the 2 1/2' fireplace with all the empty space on either side of me. The walls on either side of me are 16' apart and only 4 1/2' tall then the ceiling take over and goes to a 12 or 13' peak.

Second, I am using an SP-6 preamp, V70 power amp from audio research and Magnapan IIIa's. I realize that the Magnepans need more power so I wanted to go with PSB Synchrony one's.

Showing 1 response by steuspeed

The PSBs are going to be totally different than the Magnepans. I would say a bigger amp or bigger Maggies. Not sure if the bigger ones are more efficient. Other choices would be Soundlab Dynastat 88db or Emminent Technology LFT8 still 83db though. Should have more bottom end being a hybrid design. Very directional, so seating position small for the best sound. There are a number of choices from Martin Logan now too. Depends on budget.