Speakers for a large vaulted room?

I have a listening room that is new to me. I have had trouble with my gear in this room and I want to see if anyone thinks the speakers will make a difference.

First, the room is rectangular with a brick fireplace flue that goes floor to ceiling pretty much dead center of the room. from front wall(speaker side) to back wall; a distance of 23'. I sit with my back to the 2 1/2' fireplace with all the empty space on either side of me. The walls on either side of me are 16' apart and only 4 1/2' tall then the ceiling take over and goes to a 12 or 13' peak.

Second, I am using an SP-6 preamp, V70 power amp from audio research and Magnapan IIIa's. I realize that the Magnepans need more power so I wanted to go with PSB Synchrony one's.

Showing 1 response by audiokinesis

"So, even a more efficient speaker in terms of power needed wouldn't help me? What can I do?"

A more efficient speaker will indeed help you; the PSB Synchrony One is not a more efficienct speaker, or at least not significantly so. The Synchrony One is a 4 ohm speaker with a 2.83 volt sensitivity of 88 dB @ 1 meter. Converting to watts, that's an efficiency of 85 dB/1 watt/1 meter... certainly not "high efficiency".

Big room... unrestrained dynamics... 70 watts... 92 dB speakers will get you there... imo, ime, ymmv, etc.
