Speakers for a 12 x 13 room

So I recently moved to a new room. Sure it's small at 12 x 13 but now I can dedicate it to audio complete with as many room treatments and posters of Otis Redding as my heart desires.

For speakers I am looking at monitors like the Devore 3XL, Audio Note J, and Harbeth Compact 7's. I selected these speakers on sonics (I've heard all but the Harbeth's) but mainly because the specs indicate that the speakers when placed out in the room don't go much below 40Hz.

I HATE boomy out of control bass and with a room as small as mine I feel that bass boom could be a problem. Is there a cut of frequency wise I should be looking for in speakers to avoid bloated bass?

I anticipate a number of nodes especially around 60Hz given my room dimensions so my thought was to have speakers that don't go to much lower than 40hz (-6db). Does that make any sense?

Thanks for the advice!

Showing 1 response by krisjan

I'll toss the Spendor SP 1/2E's into the mix. I used them in a room about the same size as yours and I can tell you that the bass was never boomy. They go down to about 40 Hz. Midrange and treble are very natural on this speaker. The reason I gave up on these excellent speaker is that I wanted full bass extension (I listen to full orchestra a lot and want a full bottom end for more realism) and was never able to get a sub to mate well with the Spendors. I curently have Vandersteen 3A Sigs which are fantastic even in such a small room.