Speakers for 15K - Discounts

    I'm thinking of getting Bowers and Wilkins 802 D3 speakers. I got all my gears from Dealers and never got any discounts. This is going to be by far the biggest purchase I'm going to make on speakers and I want to find out, if it is okay to ask for a discount to the dealer? I live in AZ.Also any suggestion with respect to the dealer will be much appreciated.

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Showing 2 responses by jperry

Also I saw you live in Arizona. If you are are in Phoenix you should stop by Arizona Hi Fi. They carry B&W
You just need to talk to the dealer and ask. Some will discount and some will not. Sometimes your discount can come from a higher than market trade in on you old speakers, or a discount on accessories, so the dealer can maintain their retail price on the item they are selling and make the manufacturer happy. Buying a demo item can also result in some savings.