speakers for 15' by 12' listening room?

I know sound is subjective and the best way to decide is to listen to the equipment but I 'd like some input on speakers.
I live in a small apartment, my listening room is 15' by 12' and I don't crank up the volume too much.
My current speakers are Kef 104.2 ( they sound Amazing but are too big and the bass can be too much). I also have some Rogers LS3/5a in smaller bedroom and those are perfect there.
My stereo equipment consists of a CD Player Rega Jupiter, a Linn 5103 Preamp, 1 Linn Klout amp, 1 integrated amp VTL iT85 and 1 Linn Chakra amp (I switch amps depending on mood and music).
Ultimately, I would like to find a pair of compact speakers that don't need to be in the center of the room to sound good (the closer to the wall the better).
I listen to many different styles but mostly Jazz, Vocals, and Electronica.
The sound I'm looking for is non fatiguing like the LS3/5a but more full range like the Kef. Warm, dynamic and detailed even at low listening levels would be great!
Look & sizewise, I like Totem (Aro, Staff, Hawk and Model 1), Spendor S5e, Harbeth, (can't remember which 2 ways monitor), and Gallo reference 3.1.
I haven't heard any of them, I would rather not having to break the speakers in and since my budget is tight, I am looking at second hand market.
Any advice and recommendation will be highly appreciated, many thanks!

Showing 1 response by aball

I very highly recommend the Focal Profile 908 monitors. They have exactly the type of sound you seek and will work great in your room size. They sound remarkable at low volumes - something many speakers can't do - and their port is on the front so you can have them near the rear walls without much trouble. They have some of the best imaging I have ever heard, a huge soundstage and dynamics that belie their size hands down. Music Direct has them on super sale right now. I feel you can't do better at that price (I have witnessed too many problems with used speakers so I recommend new ones...).
