Speakers closest to Merlin ?

My two systems are optimized for Merlin speakers
In my main system I have a Stingray II on my Merlin VSM-MXr/MasterBAM.I LOVE this system !!
In my second system I used to have Merlin VSM-MM/SuperBAM.Sold those and ordered TSM Studio Black with master rc networks.Those will now not happen ....
I need suggestions for my second system.I have a Leben CS300F and a The Gryphon Callisto 2100.I need speakers that are close to the openness/neutrality and detail of the Merlin sound.
Suggestions would be appreciated.Two way,either standmount or compact floorstander.Under $3000

Showing 1 response by wstam

Just curious, why did you sell your VSM and go for TSM instead since it worked well for you?

I am using a pair of VSM (updated to latest version) in a room smaller than yours. I do have 4 basstrap tubes at all corners.