Speakers choice: Prodigy VS Parsifal encore

My friend is seeking to change is actual speakers ( Martin Logan SL3) . Is room is 26 X 16 X 7.He listen to various music like Blues, Jazz, Classical and some Pop rock.
Is set up is: an C.J. Evolution 2000 (amp) an C.J. Premier 17 LS2 (preamp) and the source is a Sony XA-777 ES (SACD) with the adition of a subwoofer Rel Strata 111.
He had never listen to the Martin Logan Prodigy but he like the M.L. products but he was also please with the sound of the V.A. Parsifal encore....
Any comparision between this two well rated speakers is welcome.
Note they both have the same value on the used market (5 to 6 K $$$ range)
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007
I am not sure the two can be really compared as they are so fundamentally different in nearly every way. Most of the "panel" fans I know, simple prefer the signature of panels and no box speaker could favorably compete.

I have the VA Parsifal Ovations and, of course, would recommend anything from VA as I really do not and cannot appreciate panels.

Good luck, it will be very interesting to hear the results of his search and if he chooses the VAs, or any box, over any panel speaker, it will be interesting to hear "WHY"....
Wildly different sounding speakers. The MLs are leaner with bass typical of powered woofers. Some may find discontinuity at the crossover, but IMHO this was a much bigger problem with early ML hybrids. For me, I'd need a highly damped room to enjoy this speaker.

The Verity doesn't have the really tight deep bass of the Prodigy, but it is very good from top to bottom. Seamless to my ear, warmish and highly musical. Overall, I certainly prefer the Verity, which is why I own it. YMMV.

Good Luck
