speakers bottoming out

Just purchased a pair of soliloquy 5.3's and was wondering if someone could explain just why speakers bottom out. Of course this occurs at high volume and under a fairly heavy base attack. What exactly is a speakers rating supposed to tell the owner (i.e. watts recommended) Is it even a problem I wonder?

Showing 1 response by walkingman

It could also be your amp is too SMALL! Contrary to popular belief, most speaker problems, suchas your bottoming out, or blowing speakers is caused by too LITTLe of an amp. You may need more clean power! Also, do you have the bass cranked up or the "loudness" button on? These will bottom out speaker cones and should only be used at LOW volumes!! Finally, if it's heavy duty Rap and the like you're playing, it may be you're playing it too loud for your speakers to handle. Stuff like Rap has a ton of bass and is much like turning up the bass all the way. Hope this helps! --Tom