speakers bottoming out

Just purchased a pair of soliloquy 5.3's and was wondering if someone could explain just why speakers bottom out. Of course this occurs at high volume and under a fairly heavy base attack. What exactly is a speakers rating supposed to tell the owner (i.e. watts recommended) Is it even a problem I wonder?

Showing 1 response by carl_eber

You're playing them too loud, so you need a bigger speaker, or else turn the volume down. IF YOU CAN GET A CATALOG LIKE THE SOLEN ONE, you can usually look up the maximum excursion limits of the woofers (if they're spec'ed and in the catalog). Dynaudio drivers have a progressive non linear suspension, SO THEY DON'T BOTTOM. This is not necessarily good if you operate them near their excursion limit very often, though, because dynamics are compressed. YOU'LL ALWAYS BE ABLE TO EXCEED THE EXCURSION LIMIT BEFORE THE THERMAL LIMIT OF A WOOFER, if the driving signal is low enough in frequency...or ESPECIALLY if it's concentrated enough around the box alignment's least damped cone motion frequency, which will vary from one speaker to the next.