Speakers and amplifiers show audiophiles are confused.

An audiophile buys a pair of speakers for $50K or $100K then asks what amps make them sound best. That’s about as smart as marrying a girl without knowing her personality. What are the specs that will insure your expensive new speakers and amps will work optimality with each other? There’s got to be an app for that, well no there isn’t because there are too many variables and companies don’t present their specs in a standard ways. Why is it that speaker and amplifier manufactures don’t recommend specific amps for their speakers? Beyond power, impedance, and making your own crossovers how do you choose amplifiers to get all the potential out of your speakers?


Showing 1 response by vonhelmholtz

I married my wife without matching her to any amplifiers and without consideration as to what cables work best. My only explanation as to why she married me was that she did so with her eyes closed.

I purchased my integrated amp first and then shopped for speakers, but the reverse would have been a better strategy.

BTW Ops system description is mind boggling.