Speakers after Infinity Kappa 9

I am looking for new speakers that have Inifinity Kappa 9's sounds. Do you have speakers company to recommend? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by jgwilson

I'll have to agree with the other 2 members that for me, the Infinity R90's were the biggest and best upgrade I ever made to my system. I also tried the Mirage M1's (not Si's) but they demand space and power so, not practical for many potential owners.
Regarding an alternate speaker with similar sound, I'd have to say that a pair of new Paradigm Signature S6 (v2) speakers I'm listening to - are pretty close. The new pure-beryllium dome tweeter is open and spacious, with no hint of harshness - which is the sound I attribute to the R90's EMIT.