Wow, so many comments. Both informative and some insulting. Interesting.
In my opinion, cabinet making has improved greatly over the years. However, there are some excellent speakers out there 10 years and older that If I could grab (without losing my shirt) I would.
1. Martin Logan Statement 2. I've attended many audio shows over the decades and these are still some of the best I've heard. Good luck finding a set and also good luck getting them into your room.
2. Many of the speakers mentioned by others in this post are also excellent.
3. Goldmund Apologues (spelling?). Heard them at Robertson Audio back in the day in LA. Oh my word, they were excellent. Never had an artist walk out of the speakers, sit at the piano, bass player and drummer do the same and simply blow me away at the sound.
I forgot the electronics, but keep in mind that you are also listening to the electronics used at the time also, not just the speakers. Also, the dealer played the album on the stupidly expensive (at the time $35,000) Goldmund turntable.
Being a retired (recently) Electrical and Electronics Engineer and a current Track and Field Coach, I always tell my student/Athletes that there is always someone out there faster and can jump further or higher than you. Just be the best you can be is what matters.
There is always a piece of equipment or system out there better that what we have (most of us). So, a little kindness please. I've seen equipment designed as one offs by a Manufacturer just for a particular customer that was just too expensive and time consuming to market, that will blow anything out there away. So, yes, there is always something better.
I still to this day remember the outstanding sound of my Uncle's Thiel Type A speakers. I bet they still would sound outstanding.