Speaker wires for SF Liuto towers and Smart center

I am awaiting my amp, which is a Mac MC205. I bought the Audioquest GBC speaker cables for my towers and center. I bought them because spec wise it was what I thought was a excellent deal. I called Audioquest and they are according to them have been discontinued for like 10 plus years. I told the rep my set up and he told me the GBCs don't even compare to their basic cable. Did I make a mistake with these cables? If so, what recommendations?
Kalbi23, if you have made a non returnable purchase for the Audioquest GBC, then you have nothing to lose by trying them for a while. I doubt they are going to sound horrible. Then after being familiar with the sound you have, post a thread for recommendations where you would like an improvement in the sound. If they are returnable, and you have doubts about the purchase, then just return them.
The 'Straight Wire' brand is a sonic match for your SF Liuto speakers. Inexpensive, sounds great as well.