Speaker Wire for a non-anal listener

Okay, so I'm not about to spend mega-flow on super nice speaker wire that I won't be able to tell a difference between it and merely decent wire at 1/10th of the price. My stuff (nor my account) simply doesn't justify spending that much. If I followed the 10% rule (which I don't necessarily think is a rule to follow, but merely an end result in many cases), I'd be spending roughly $0 on speaker wire since I already have a very nice (IMO) interconnect between my CD player and my receiver.
However, I'm willing to spend up to around $100 for speaker wire, which doesn't necessarily have to be factory-terminated, but does include the price of the end terminals.

I am running a NAD T750 and a NAD C523 [soon to be] biwired to a pair of Monitor Audio Silver 3i's through at least 10' of speaker wire, maybe upwards of 15'.

As I understand it, basically I'm in the market for high percentage copper wire in a decent size gauge, though a higher number of strands would make the wire more flexible. How important is the percentage copper versus the size of the wire versus the strands per wire?

So, Monster Cable has some XP/XPHP spooled offerings that seem decent, but they're probably a ripoff knowing MC. They also make some "THX-certified" 16awg wire that I can get on ebaY for $30 for 100'. Since I'm only running 60W, I am wondering if I'll suffer by having 16awg or even 14awg wire.
Also, on ebaY, I found an auction for some high end "car stereo" speaker wire. It has 413 strands per conductor, or 826 strands per factory packaged wire. It is 10awg wire, however I can't find what percentage copper it is. I use their wire for my car stereo, and I like it, though that's not exactly an insulated environment.

So, to conclude, what characteristic of the wire should I be most concerned with, gauge, purity or strandage? Does anyone have any suggestions on a manufacturer?

I could ask a lot more questions, but I think you get the gist of where I am coming from and what I'm looking for. Any opinions are welcome!

Also, if you have any opinions on what type and brand of connectors to get, feel free to throw in a few cents worth of info. I have heard that spades offer the best connection, but screw-adjust banana plugs (not the spring tension ones) seem pretty good too.

Showing 2 responses by rja

If you are truly "non-anal" then you shouldn't care what the cable "sounds" like. At least that's what my proctologist says!
About blind testing, has anyone read about the Pepsi vs. Coke test? When blind tested Pepsi always wins , that is, more people prefer the taste of Pepsi. When the brands are identified to the tester, Coke always wins. I don't know if this can be applied to the world of audio but you have to admit it is interesting. Volumes could probably be written analysing this phenomenon.