Speaker wire... Diy?

I am new to this, so please bare with me. I always thought 12 gauge speaker wire, bare on each end, was best. But there is Kimber, Nord, etc, that seem to be incrementally better! Can I buy the components and put together my own $17000 speaker wires? If so, where can they be purchased, and which are good enough to be used? Which terminations are best for sound? Which wire? Length? Guage? 

Showing 49 responses by dave_b

My MIT’s and Transparent cables are directional...even some old M series Monster cables I have are directional.  
To infinity and....😔


The entry level Transparent cables are in your price range and are so much more musical than any of this home brew horse patty DIY stuff!  For the live of music...please at least try some Transparent.  Call Transparent, they will guide you plus your investment is protected for future upgrades and they retain better value than most if you would need to sell.
I understand Williewonka...you enjoy the challenge.  The issue is that many high end cable companies have offerings that are exceptionally good these days at DIY prices.  My long history with extreme high end gear and cables has given me a bit of perspective regarding this crazy hobby.  You don’t have to spend a fortune to get great sound, but you do need certain items.  Transparent really does address the biggest problems associated with transferring a musical signal.  Their cable Geometry and Network technology actually improves signal transmission and reduces noise.  Most cables do not address these issues or do so ineffectively.  They are one of the few companies that were founded by music loving musicians that put their resources into equipment and research that improves the enjoyment of listening!  They support local symphonies and actually listen to their prototypes on extremely high end Reference equipment.  The best news is that the entry level tiers of Transparent cable outperform most other cables in terms of sheer musicality and naturalness.    
Had em all Terry9....Goertz as well (not good).  I don’t rely on my inner dialogue or misappropriated technical analysis.  I’ve got 40 years of owning many 5 and 6 figure systems and dozens of cable designs.  Cheap don’t do it.  Many expensive cables fail horribly.  Some rise far above the fray because they are manufactured by music lovers, by people who listen carefully while developing their products.  They don’t falsely believe in theory without testing it’s application.  I speak from experience to the exceptional!  Then again, ignorance can be bliss for some.  A little knowledge and a lack of experience will always prove whatever you want.  Enjoy 😉 
Careful GK...there is also a lot of well educated imbeciles babbling in institutions.  Just because there are a few still lurking about who haven’t been committed yet doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be 😉
Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry and Life Sciences are my strong suit.  Writing with an emphasis on grammar, rather than content, was never an obsession of mine.  Recently, I’ve delved into Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics.  Still looking for your breakthrough results to be published on  the seminal work you’ve done regarding Entanglement and its application to remote audio diagnostics and restoration!
Not to beat a dead horse, but I have had recent experience with solid core cables as well. I know experience doesn’t matter but...what the heck! Solid core (Anticables Reference séries and Audioquest Water) offer some wonderful properties. Clarity, reduced distortion, speed and impact (rhythm, pace and dynamics). System dependency will either put these in the must have category or in the too much detail camp. Comparatively, the Transparent cables embué the sound with more solidity, dynamic contrast, extremely low noise floor, a rounded well fleshed out midrange, pure natural highs and bass that is extremely physical.
GK has a bit of a point, of course many of the cables I’ve used are directional.  Anticables characteristics (not saying preferable) are do largely in part to having almost zero shielding as well.  Did I not say in my system?  Overall however, we can make some judgements when used with various equipment and different environments.  As usual though, all IMHO
Awe man...now I have to like you GK!!  Prometheus quote 😝. Alien fan perhaps?
I don’t hate silver
I don’t hate DIY’rs
I don’t hate GK
I don’t hate a nicely developed treble region
I don’t hate a natural but supple midrange 
I don’t hate a fully rounded and tactile bottom end
I don’t hate it when I put my .....well, you get the idea 💡 
@uberwaltz Using Transparent Super Gen 5 Balanced for source and Plus Bi wires for speakers.  The new series outperforms the previous Ultra Level cables I was using.
It ain’t gonna have that swing
if it ain’t got that network thing

BTW...As I was alluding to earlier (morning is my favorite time )

I don’t hate it when I plug my power cord into my Transparent conditioning box

I love a nice tight connection!
My wife says she notices a huge enjoyment factor when I use my garden hose cable...I mean cables 😗
The power of the Peter...DHC is what we’re talking about?  Or are we back to DIY stuff again 😕
GK deals with the subliminal, existential reality of audio.  More of a Zen like sensibility toward things acoustic.  Suggestibility flows vigorously through such psychologically fluid frontiers.  PT Barnum maneuvered through similar terrain quite successfully, sans the adornment of misappropriated and dubiously applied scientific theory.
Whatever floats your boat!  I’ve used so many different types of cables over the decades and have not found any that do my sustem(s) more justice than Transparent or MIT.
Systems...thought I’d correct the spelling before our resident Kat finds it and wants to spank me again 😱
You mean a can of electrons, don’t you GK?  Tell us how they flow...cause I really wanna know...I really wanna know ..know..know..know...how they do!!
See what I did there...used a WHO motif and stuff?  Pretty cool right?  
So electrons don’t get exchanged back and forth through the conductive material?  Your telling me my text books are wrong?  How dare you sir 🧐
I know the electrons carry the charge (EF) across an electrical potential through the circuit at near TSOL.  Electrons do get exchanged very slowly as well, but I see your point.  As Spock would say, it’s Pure Energy!
The constantly changing frequency of the field tracks the musical program material?  That’s all I got 😔
Voltage changes?  I always thought everything effects the signal however...cable purity, EMF noise, insulation, equipment quality and matching, Quantum fluctuations in the space time continuum etc...🙄
You might be wrong rabbit...you might 🐰 

Then what is the music great one?  Is it the fluctuations between the inter dimensional exchange of strings during their quantum superpositions as they react to changing Voltage and Current within and between audio components?  
Let me be clear about this...I am not a DIY’r!  For me, and drawing from my own experiences, wire is wire unless it has a box or a network on it.  No matter how many types of cable designs I’ve used or experimented with, none have performed more gloriously than Transparent or MIT!  The tonal balance, dynamic range and oodles of pure, unforced low level detail, simply can’t be equaled by any other manufacturer...at IMHO!
You’ve gotta have a sense of humor folks!  There are many ways to make a martini 🍸 
Depends on your taste and expectations as to which type you order 🕺
You’ve gotta have a sense of humor folks!  There are many ways to make a martini 🍸 
Depends on your taste and expectations as to which type you order 🕺
The Quad’s are a particularly prickly speaker to match with gear and or room, let alone cables.  They are colored and far from neutral.  They are also not inherently very dynamic nor capable of realistic dynamics.  They are very revealing and smooth and tend to be coveted by those who prefer detail over a realistic balance.  No wonder cables that emphasize clarity over natural tone and dynamics would be favored.  Transparent delivers a full range, weighty and dynamic sound with unforced detail.  Something the Quad speakers find difficult to handle.
Yes, I agree completely!  We have achieved agreement...see, and they said it was impossible 🙃
Been their and done that many many times.  Transparent has won me back with their Gen 5 stuff recently.  I’ve used most everything mentioned here and across the board really.  Love to experiment!  I hear what other cables do well or not so well, but my priorities are to be sitting in front of a fully dynamic, expressive soundstage with realistic weight, warmth and unexaggerated detail.