Speaker upgrade to a large room

Hello everyone, I’d appreciate your input on the speaker / sub upgrade I want to do in my great room that is over 1000 SF big with 25’ high ceiling , big part of ceiling and walls  is glass (terrible acoustic) . Current equipment is :AMPS :MC 1.2 kw x2 amp , MC601 center ch , MC 452 surround . Processor Macintosh C 53 and Marantz 5508 for movies .Streamer :HIFI  Rose 150B. Speakers: Wilson Audio Sasha - main , WA Watch - center , Large I wall Speakercraft - Surround , Velodyne DD 15 -Sub.in order to pressurize this large room that even opens further to kitchen and foyer area I am debating between Wilson Audio Alexia 2 to Alexx along with twin REL CARBON SPECIAL subs .are the subs needed if I get the Alexx which is a true full size speaker ? Will the Alexia 2 with the twin REL be sufficient? Budget wise : Approximately $25K difference from a used Alexx to Alexia 2 plus $7K cost of the twin subs if needed .

Thank you 


Showing 2 responses by jetset

Here is a photo of my system. I can fit the 2 new subs on the outside of each main speaker .

Thank you for the inputs and advice . Unfortunately I cannot improve much the acoustics of the room except from maybe covering the wall behind the equipment with acoustic panel covered with decorative wood slats that I saw online (not sure how good they are) . The rest of the walls are either glass or full with art pieces . The open room size is approximately 1500 SF plus it opens up to a large kitchen (520 SF) . I wonder if the TWIN  12” REL SUBS will be sufficient or should I go for twin 17” new SVS subs . 
should I get the bigger  Alexx and then see if the room still needs the subs ? Thank you ,