Speaker upgrade question - Wilson vs Focal

Hey audiogoners!

Thinking of upgrading and need the community/expert input.

Thinking of upgrading from a set of usher mini ones that I've had and loved for a few years.

I listened to a bunch of speakers, Focus Audio, Martin Logan, B&w, higher end ushers, Wilson audio, and Focal.

The ones I liked the most were the Wilson Audio Sasha DAW and the Focal Sopra 3. 

Loved the forward and detailed instrumentation on the Wilson's, especially the Sasha DAW, but liked the vocals slightly better on the sopras, though instrumentation on them was not as crisp as on Wilson's. But the two are very close.

Music is mostly jazz, classical, light rock, electronic and occasionally symphonic metal / European metal (night wish, sonata Arctica, dream theater). Mostly jazz though, vocal and instrumental. 

Trying to decide between getting the Wilson audio yvette, ( Sasha is too expensive and Sabrina's don't deliver enough) and Focal Sopra 3. Though I can wait a few years and get the Sasha then second hand.

I won't be considering other brands since I already did that research run around. These two brands work best for me and synergize well with my inwall home theater speakers (origin d87s).

I will be powering them using a McIntosh mc452 /C2600 for 2 channel, mostly LPs (McIntosh mt10) and tidal streaming and a anthem 1120 for home theater. 

What you guys think? Go for the Yvettes, wait for the Sasha's or go for the focals? 


Coming from somebody in SF I can understand you taking offense. We don't suffer fools in the Northeast. If telling it like it is makes one socially challenged then so be it. Im in good company.
Post removed 
Gentlemen, let's please keep it civil. You are both entitled to your opinion, but let's keep insults and unnecessary jabs to a minimum. It is juvenile and we are better than that.  

Now, I can agree with @RIAA the experience I had listening to the Sashas DAWs were very different compared to what GoChurchGo may have been heard. None of us have the same ears, so honestly speaking we do all hear differently and can have completely different preferences. Especially since we are no doubt not comparing the same music on the same sources.

For instance, I was listening to them on D'Agostinos and then on Mcintosh C2600/MC452, which I felt was a much better amp and preamp to use. I am not a huge fan of the ARC amps, and when I heard them before I was not impressed with how they drove the speakers. But that is my opinion. 

On that note, @GoChurchGo, might be worth listening to the Sashas again with a different amp/preamp just to see if it was the source and power that was not ideal. I am very surprised that your experience was so different compared to mine. 

Regardless, I appreciate the input from everyone, including negative feedback on particular brands, because that helps me think about the decision critically and not get swept away in emotion, or looks, or the opinion of the audio dealer, who has skin in the game. Thanks again, everyone. 
I’ve done extensive listening to Sasha DAW and it is an amazing speaker. In fact I’m ordering a pair next week. You will find so many people commenting on the Wilson sound but be careful because the DAW and the newer generation is a totally different animal. VERY smooth and detailed. Not the kind of detail that is bothersome but the kind that draws you in and captivates your soul. It is very neutral and can sound however you want it to depending on your equipment and cabling.  I was never a big fan of Wilson until the DAW now I can’t get enough. I guess I’ll have to bring them home.  Haven’t heard the focal but have been comparing the Rockports to the new Wilson’s.  Wilson builds a great speaker and is a great company. Good luck on your search
@mepstein10 Perhaps it was the wrong choice of amplification. You might be right. But I stand by what I heard. They also sell Mac, Naim (which were running some WAMMS in another room), Burmeister and Linn. So why that pairing is not a question I can answer.

I regret some disrespectful members took aim at my criticism in your thread. But again, I stand by my experience.

I hope you get a fantastic pair of speakers in whichever direction you choose to go.
