Speaker to mount in a bookcase - up to $2000 (somewhat long)

Hi all,

I recently had a bookcase built and have dusted off my old stereo components after years of listening to MP3s and CDs through my computer. My existing system is:

Technics SL-D2 direct-drive turntable with Grado cartridge (model unknown - from the 90s)
Sony CD player (multi-disc, probably from the 90s)
Philips 80-w receiver from the 90s
Cambridge Audio Ensemble satellites and subwoofers

I am going to bring down from the attic several boxes of Jazz and Classical LPs in good condition, as well as several cartons of CDs. I look forward to listening to albums again as an event.

I want to build a hi-fi system but am not yet sure whether to go with pre-amp / amp, or integrated amp. I have a lot of research to do first, as well as listening to options at my local hi-fi place in Richmond VA.

Since I am not yet decided on amp / pre-amp / tuner / etc, I want to start by getting a good pair of speakers that will work with something like Music-Hall 15.3 integrated amp, or work just as well with a discrete tube pre-amp / amp setup. I am willing to spend around $2000 on speakers.

But here’s the condition (and the point of the posting): I need to be able to put the speakers in the bookshelves,not on a stand. The room is 13.5’ deep by 14’ wide, and there is a sofa with an end table at each end. Stand-mounted or floor-standing speakers will not work due to space constraints. Here are some pics of the room and the bookcases:




With all that in mind, can you guys come up with some speaker suggestions for me? I was told that front-ported speakers would be required for this application but I have also read some forum comments that this is a not a universal truth.

Again, this is step one in building a system. As the months (and maybe a year or two) go by I will replace the receiver with either an integrated amp like a Rogue Sphinx or Cronus Magnum, or maybe even go with separate pre-amp / amp. The speaker will be the first step. Also will follow with turntable and CD player upgrades as well.

Thanks in advance for your time and advice,



Showing 5 responses by ezwicky

Thanks to all for your replies.    After a visit to the listening room of my local hi-fi store I came home with a pair of B&W 686 S2 speakers, a Music-Hall A15.3 integrated amp and a JL Audio Dominion powered sub-woofer.

I am happy with the sound improvement over my existing system, and will be playing around with different settings on the sub-woofer, of which there are several possible parameters.

Thanks again for having replied to my posting and taken the time to give advice.

For now I guess I might be, but I intend to upgrade the CD player and turntable soon.   I already swapped out the old receiver for a Music-Hall integrated amp.    

I'm thinking about the Music-Man CD player / DAC combination, and also a Music-Man turntable.
nycjlee, do you mean for the sub-woofer or for the bookshelf speakers (or all three)?

Yes, but it’s a hardwood floor in a 95-year-old house and it’s very flexy. So I was wondering whether or not I would need a stand or feet for it too.

I was looking at the Herbie’s Audio Lab site and it looks like there’s alot of potential options for isolation there. But I have no idea what I need, being new to this.

My local hifi shop looked at my bookcase and room pictures along with the measurements, and recommended the B&W 682 since they are front-ported.   I listened to them alongside a pair of Paradigms and one other bookshelf speaker and I went with the B&Ws.

At the recommendation of nycjlee above, I got a pair of IsoAcoustic stands for them and I am happy.

Thanks again to everybody who has replied with suggestions.