Speaker that are 'KEEPERS" for the long haul!!!

For years and years, I brought in a multitude of different speakers into my listening room, never really being truly, completely satisfied with any of them. So the speaker merry-go-round went on and on, until I finally found the speakers that put all of that to rest. Not only was I dissatisfied, I was also going broke in the process. All that buying and selling was killing me and stressing me out, as well. It was the Revel Salon 2 speakers that finally got the job done for me. Once I got my hot little hands on the Revel Salon 2 speakers, it was all over. Now, I have absolutely no desire to switch out the Salons for anything else. The Revel Salon 2 speakers covered all the sonic bases for me, truly capturing my imagination, from top to bottom, like none of the others completely did. I get to hears all the new speakers at dealers and at shows, and they all sound just awesome, too.  But, still, for my money, the Salons 2s are the ones (they’re just that good). The Revel Salon 2 speakers turned out to be all the speaker I think I’ll ever need, and will be with me for the duration. For which, my ears and my wallet thank me.


Showing 2 responses by skchun

There are no perfect speakers, even for one’s ear. That said, there are many speakers that are great . I can’t stand ugly design in something that I have to look at it all the time so I chose the SF Guarneri Evolution and will stay where they are for long time.

This applies to my number one passion (cycling)

There are many amazing $5000~$10000 bikes and they ride just as well as the $15000~$20000 bikes but if you are looking at the upper range of bikes then you look at the personal touches and especially the aesthetics.



Edcyn, I’ve owned a bike shop for almost 40 years and still enjoy all aspects of the sport.
Most other shop owners don’t even ride, it’s just a business to them.

