Speaker system

Hi, I have a Large room 45x65 ft and want to put a "Budget-friendly" audio system in 

I am thinking of 4 x 8" powered speakers with Bluetooth connection and maybe a 12" Sub if needed.

Any suggestions? 


@torquerulesok ...or send him out to the wet skid pad with some vague directions on parking brake application vs. quick twists of the steering.

901s' could certainly 'fill' the ops' space...2 pairs hooked up to a K-watt pro amp driven by a simple pre with a cell for source...

Back when, a salesclone admitted they'd driven a pair of 901s' with a kilowatt amp and the little suckers acted like they wanted More....never tried that with mine... ;)

Lots of rude comments. Give the guy a break. If you don't have anything constructive to provide why bother being rude or condescending. Ridiculous. 

Thank you for your "Knowledge" guys

Learned a lot from you guys and will get by with some real knowledge. 

You had a lot of fun by being Rude.

I am sure I can get some constructive info elsewhere.

Anyway thanks for your "valuable" time and input.

God Bless


Really, is this digitalviper again? The imaginary room the op describes is the size of a twelve car garage…almost 3,000 square feet. Its been a troll thread from the get go…dvij likely means digitalviper 2 (i J in roman numerology is 2)