Speaker Suggestions?

After reading good reviews about the latest Mcintosh gear, I purchased a MC402 amp and C2200 preamp. I hope to have found my last purchase and get off the upgrade merry-go-round. Are there any Audiogoners out there with experience with Mac and which speakers should I look at for 20k and under?
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Showing 1 response by macrojack

If you liked your Avantgarde Duos, you might want to follow the example of Jim Smith. He switched from Duos to Zu Definitions. Who is Jim Smith? He's the original importer of Avantgarde but he has since surrendered the line and joined the Zu camp.
Since I've been involved with Zu, I have corresponded with numerous people who have switched from AVG or Wilson to the Definition. I'm frankly amazed that more of you haven't explored this option. It may well be the best speaker available today.