Speaker suggestion for McCormack DNA 225 DLX

I can't seem to enjoy the sweetness of the Mccormack with my Martin Logan SL3's. I have tried re-positioning the speakers to every possible combination--and still frustrating. The sound is thin (although detailed), soundstaging is confusing and there is something lacking.

From your experience what speakers would you think would match the Maccormack amp?

Steve does have a pair of Vandersteen 3 A's in his livingroom. I have a DNA-1 Deluxe upgraded to REV A and have used Alon speakers which are a very good match. I currently have a pair of Circes which are breathtaking with the McCormack. I spoke last week with my audio advisor I've used over the last 10 years and he just received the new pair of Alon Lotus Elite which he said he was blown away by. See www.alonbyacarian.com. Another thing that has greatly improved my system is the inter connects I'm using. They are single strand silver with Eichmann Bullet Plug terminations. They retail for $545 a 2' pair. I have 3 pair I want to sell that have never been hooked up for $350 each. If interested please e-mail me.
Hello Brquebral,

I would like to point-out that I have designed my amplifiers to operate properly with the broadest-possible range of speakers, and your DNA-225 should do an excellent job with your Martin-Logans. Having said that, it is also fair to say that system synergy is a very complex affair involving a lot of variables, with your room and your personal taste leading the list. It is certainly possible that something about your current mix of equipment and room is going to leave you unsatisfied regardless of how you arrange it. But I am concerned about your comment that the “soundstaging is confusing.” You haven’t mentioned your other gear, but I know from experience that the SL-3 / DNA-225 combination should provide excellent staging and pinpoint localization. You may find ultimately that you prefer another speaker for whatever reason, but please do what you can to discover and eliminate problems with your current gear before giving-up on your SL-3s.

Give me a call if you would like to talk this over – 760-732-0352, 10-6 PST, M-F.

Best regards,

Steve McCormack
I agree with above, I think you need to work first on speaker placement and consider trying wires. Room treatments will also help a great deal. Go to martinloganowners.com as everyone is martin logan owners and they can help with set up and wires.
Hope this helps! Happy Listening