speaker stands--general considerations

Of the myriad audiophile topics that come up here, I haven't noticed any real discussion recently of speaker stands.  What gives?  Does everyone own floorstanders?

I mean, there's plenty of room for disagreement, errr, discussion.  Optimal height?  Material of manufacture: metal (which), wood, other?  Single material or mix?  Design: single upright, multiple uprights, open top or top plate?  Over-engineered and heavy, or minimalistic and light-weight?  Interface between the monitor and the stand: high-tech gizmo, cork, nothing at all, Blu-tack, other?  Mass loading--yes or no?  If yes, kiln-dried sand or kitty litter, or lead buckshot?  Brands?  Best?  Best bang for the buck?

Showing 1 response by oldhvymec

You can also Beard a stand to increase bass response and not lose the imaging. That being said, 60-80 and down, like Noble100 said, really needs to be somewhere else, timing is just too far off.

I like 60-300 hz placement too, it's just too directional.  It also will add depth and clarity, without just tons of room treatment. I like separate monitors. PERIOD, no bass in them

The beard can be wide or narrow, from the floor all the way to the base of the enclosure, it can be behind or in front. It can be flat, convex or concave. They can really help with blending and capturing lost bass response.

Or the squat and grunt crowd... Opps I did it again. I call it the "Swarm Flu". Very contagious too. LOL

As heavy a stand, as you can lift or stack. They should sound like green concrete, with the ol knock test... Especially the beard....
