It depends on the speaker. Ask the manufacturer, and don't listen to people who generalize from their experience with other speakers (except Sean's comments above are good because he talks about some of the variables). I have two different models of speakers designed by the same person and made by his company. With one of them, the right height is where the tweeter is at ear level. With the other, the right height is where the top of the speaker cabinet is at ear level. It depends on the speaker.
Speaker stand height
I've seen conflicting information on speaker stands. Some people say the stands should be tall enough to place the tweeter 35-36" off the ground, while others claim the tweeter should be 44-45". FWIW, I measured my ear level seated in my listening chair at 44". Should I have stands tall enough to place the tweeters at that height? The top of the speakers at that height? Something else?