Speaker Stand Design?

Starting to think about wood speaker stands designs for my Harbeth M30's.

Some considerations: High or Low Mass (?), Wood density, Wood Joinery (rigidity)

Anyone use the Wayne Taylor (Low Mass) Speaker Stands http://www.austinhifi.com/waynetaylor.html

Those are metal, but I could build something very similar out of solid wood.

For High Mass I was initially thinking to work off the Mapleshade philosophy, thick solid wood base, with good solid anchoring to the top plate and speaker.

Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by stanwal

I use several Spendor models which are similar to Harbeth. I had the Mapleshade Quadraspire wood stands but was not crazy about them; I had a pair of the low ones they now make and absolutely hated them. I have had good luck with Skylan and Sound Anchor; opposite in design philosophy but both sound good. Personally, I would use either MDF or metal but this is a very complicated topic: coupling vs isolation; floor type, room size and personal taste all have to be considered.
I have S 100s with the Sound Anchor stands that RCS Audio use to have for them and the 4 pillar Skylan stands. I have replaced the spikes on both of them with Star Sound threaded Audio Points for which I use to be a dealer. The SA stands are the ones with 3 spikes and wider at the front than the back; may not be the ones you have. I THINK I like the Skylan better but it is not a large difference and depends to a large degree on what the speakers are resting on ; just on top of the stand or on Roller Bearings, Cones, Blutak, etc. I have some Synergistic Research MIGs on order and am going to set up the Spendors again when they get here; I currently have my Gamut L5 floorstanders set up. I really had no trouble getting all the bass I wanted from either stand; I have a pair of REL Stadium subs but was not using them most of the time. Most of the differences I heard were in the top end rather than the bass; I'll post more when I get them set up again; I have made several changes in my system since I had them set up last.