Speaker Stand Design?

Starting to think about wood speaker stands designs for my Harbeth M30's.

Some considerations: High or Low Mass (?), Wood density, Wood Joinery (rigidity)

Anyone use the Wayne Taylor (Low Mass) Speaker Stands http://www.austinhifi.com/waynetaylor.html

Those are metal, but I could build something very similar out of solid wood.

For High Mass I was initially thinking to work off the Mapleshade philosophy, thick solid wood base, with good solid anchoring to the top plate and speaker.

Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by pcoombs

Hi, Nodata, great speakers, I love mine! The four pillar Skylan are fantastic stands. The light weight Foundation stands don't suit the M30s as much as the other larger speakers in the Harbeth range. f your on the east east the 3 or 4 pillar Sound Anchors would be a good choice.
I would love to see your wooden made Wayne Taylor Speaker Stands!
For a lighter framed alternative I would myself get a pair of 20" Solidsteels SS-5s
Other interesting stand for the M30's are Sound Mechanics SX200 or SX500
Hi Nodata, Solidsteel do make the SS-6 which are 24". I just happen to prefer the proportions (bigger top plate etc) of the SS-5s.
Also if you factor in spikes (or even castors?!) plus the possible future use of any isolation platforms ( Symposium Sveltes etc) between speaker + stand or stand + floor this would easily get you to 24" or higher.
My 24" Skylans are really 25" with spikes/glides but 22-23" would be ideal in my room. ( Harbeths sale brochure state 16"-21" which does seem a little low though)
please post a pic of the M30s with whatever stand you eventually get/make.