Speaker shopping Help?

I've had Dali Helicon 400 MK II for a couple of months and love them. The only problem is they're a little too small for my 23ftx28ftx14ft room. I like a speaker that imaging is a high priority. They need to be rich but detailed, non fatiguing. Tight bass that goes down to at least 35hz. Here's my long list:
Wilson Sophia II
Kef Reference 205/2
Revel Ultima Studio II
Focal Electra 1037BE
Thiel 3.7
Sonus Faber Cremona

The rest of my rig is a computer music server running through a Bel Canto DAC 3 into a Spectron Musician III SE MK II. All MIT cables. thanks in advance for all opinions.

Showing 1 response by missioncoonery

I would add the Dynaudio C4 to your short list..Full range down to 20hz.One of the best tweeters made.I owned the Focal utopias before and there is no really no comparison.The dyns just do it right especially in your room size