speaker selection help ... on a budget

I have a Rotel RBX980 120W/ch amp with a RTC980 pre that I recently bought for a great deal.
I understand they are rather on the bright side as a combo and wish to match them up with a pair of bookshelf speakers that would add some warmth and decent bass extension. I mostly listen to rock / r&b / jazz.

My budget is $250 tops for the pair. What are some good options for new or used that you can recommend?

thanks for everyone's time!
I'm sure you will get plenty of suggestions, but let me throw out the original Advent Loudspeakers. I still use a pair in my analogue setup. They won't resolve as well as much more expensive speakers, but their dynamic range and clarity is excellent for the price. For $250 or less, you should be able to easily find a pair in great working condition. You might be able to find two pairs needing a re-foam (kit is like $18 on eBay) for $99 or less a pair. That would allow you to go with the classic "Double Advent" setup. I'm fairly certain the double advents will blow away anything you could find for $250 or less.
If you can stretch your budget by $50, you could try the Energy RC-10, originally priced at $600 and now offered by Vanns.com for half that price, shipping included. Google "Energy RC-10 reviews," and you'll see they are generally very well regarded.
Thank you everyon. I had Energy speakers before years ago but had a bit too much of a laid back sound for my liking ... as far as I remember. Any feedback on MS Carnival 2's or the CA S30? Looking to go the UK route possibly and also need a wood finish cabinet for WAF :(
I understand the shortcomings of speakers in this price range, but I am sure there are some gems/sleepers out there. I am not into critical listening ...
You should be able to pick a new pr. of Tannoy Fusion 1 (or possibly a 2 for just a little more). Nice sounding spks. If you don't mind a larger bookshelf spk. the Snell K/J's are exc. as well. (Vifa drivers.) Check out older Mission loudspeakers as well. (I have the 761i's and they are fantastic. Finally, PSB 400's. Vifa drivers as well. Ton's of others as well. Good hunting!
Haven't personally heard these but maybe check out the Pioneer SP-BS41-LR...got a great review in Stereophile (whatEVER) and list for $150. New and cheap...win win (unless they suck).