Speaker refinish

Hello guys,

Have any of you ever had your speakers refinished in any way due to discoloration/fading in the grill area. Thx

Showing 6 responses by sympaticonorm

Unfortunately oil does not do it in this case, the contrast/fading is simply too significant.
That is what occurred on these speakers over a period of 7 years. I would suspect that it will take years before colors eventually match-up. I was looking for something quicker.
My speakers have a "yew" finish. I think that I better leave them alone and just wait and see. They sound great anyways!
So I take it that Proac's "yew" finish is an oil or wax finished veneer ?

Thanks for your recommendations, I appreciate it.
I can wait a few months. I may just put them in direct sunlight not too far from the window while I am away on holidays this summer to speed things up.