Speaker recommendations for 2,500 or less?

My system is a Classe CAP 150 integrated amp with a Classe CDP1 cd player... What speakers would work best with my equipment? I would consider either a floor stand or a monitor speaker..
Heard nothing but good things about the Tyler Acoustics monitors. For floorstanders I'd add the Soliloquy 6.2s--very smooth, detailed, coherent, and disappear into the music. Best of luck.

Those talon peregrine speakers on audiogon now for 2500 with stands is one of the best deals i have ever come across. This speaker is almost as good as the original Khorus. Incredible!!! That is my advice for sure. If you dont go for these i would go for a pair of merlin vsm SEs. They are also incredible for the money. Either way is a sure win and they both kill just about (there are about 3 exceptions i know of) any speaker out there that are 6k or less. Email me for info on either pair. - Ian
A question like this is too hard to answer without knowing the kind of music you like best and the room where you listen to it. At 2,500, you can't have it all. Tradeoffs are the reality almost all of us live with, so you've got to choose the strengths and priorities that fit your circumstances.
That said, I think the Proac 1.5 is fantastic, but a bit more that your budget, and the Linn Ninka is also really good.