Speaker recommendation

Hi everyone,

I need your advice in selecting new/used speakers to match my Peachtree Nova 125 + OPPO BD-103 + tablet/JRiver MC20.

The setup is in our living room, which is HUGE (L32 x W20 x H12 feet), opening into a large dining room on one side (L23 x W16 x H12 feet), and again, into a fairly large den on the other side (L20 x W16 x H12 feet)!!!

Since I reside in the remote island country of Madagascar, size is also an issue... as shipping very large/heavy speakers to Madagascar costs and arm and three legs.

I'm wondering if a combination of top notch standmount speakers with subwoofers would be acceptable... I already have subs (SVS SB12-NSD).

My listening habits range from jazz, pop/rock, classical, and world music.

I have a relatively modest CD/Vinyl collection ( couple of hundred in total) and thousands of songs/albums downloaded at various resolutions, and varying qualities...

I like my music fairly loud, but as I get older, tend to appreciate more and more, high quality sound.

Listening to high quality FLAC files from HDTracks through JRiver MC20 has proven to be a breakthrough for me, as I discover "better sound".

VoilĂ ! To make a long story short, I want to splurge in a pair of speakers that will match my eclectic musical tastes, last at least ten years, offer superior sound quality, and hopefully, come in a small enough package so that I don't have to spend too much $$ in shipping/import taxes.

By the way, my budget is $2000-$3000, (closer to $2000 being preferred...) which I figure, constitutes a minimum to really hope for a pair that will match my needs and last forever...

Oops, I almost forgot, I now use a combination of Magnepan MMGs + a pair of SVS SB-12NSD subs.

They are not loud enough for my taste (I have to turn the knob on the PTA Nova125 to 2 O'clock to get to a listening level I like), and the treble seems somewhat muffled... I need more "bang" if you catch my drift.

Granted, this setup is fairly new, I still have to tinker in order to get the best out of it... But I think I made a mistake in choosing the MMGs... I probably should have gone towards the Revel F12 - Monitor Audio RX6...

I am very curious about the Tekton Designs Pendragons... What do you think?

I know, I know... you're probably thinking: "didn't he write that he preferred a standmount + sub setup?"... I do, becaus it will cost me less in shipping + taxes, AND I already jave a pair of great sounding SVS subs... However, I can't help thinking that integrating subs properly in a stereo setup may be beyond my capacities... unless you can reassure me that I can easily mlearn how to!

In any case, thanks for your precious input, I will of course look for deals here at Agon!!

Cheers! jlr261
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