Speaker Rebuilding

I have an old pair of Kirksaeter monitors that sound more like a kazoo than a speaker. When my son was one year old, he used to like to play with the volume control and the music was turned on one too many times with the volume turned all the way up. I like the cabinets and after reading some of the posts, it got me interested in trying to rebuild them. My question is, are there any highly recommended books or sources for supplies to get me started? I know that some of you seem to be very knowledgable in this area. Any advice would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by kleiman421

Thanks Carl and Dan. Actually, at this point, I'm not sure exactly how far I'm going to go with the project since I don't really know very much about it yet. I would love to gut the boxes and build a great loudspeaker, but it may be way over my head. I'm not afraid to tackle difficult projects. As a kid, I used to enjoy building Heathkit electronics. This seemed like it might be fun to try.