Speaker Preferences?

Sorry to start yet another of these "Which speaker is best" threads but I'm curious how astute AudioGon members rate the following speakers. My room is mid-sized (14 x 20 x 9) and my system is all very high-quality stuff. I listen mostly to rock music at not-quite-obnoxious levels.

Here's what I'm looking at in the under $7000 range:

- Martin Logan Vantage
- Acoustic Zen Adagio
- Revel Salon Studio (used)
- Wilson Sophia (used)

Please comment only if you've actually spent serious listening time with at least two of these speakers.


For roomfilling ambient sound go for the Martin Logans - they have the amazing ablility to dissapear but they might sound a bit "dull" compared to conventional speakers...

The Acoustic Zen Adagio produces a solid wall of sound. They are not bad but they lack a certain 'x-factor'.

Revel Salon Studio. A true pedigree loudspeaker. Will knock your socks off but needs very good amplification will lots of control. Midrange/Treble is neutral and presented in a organic way. Bass goes low and tight but then again only with good amplification. These speakers deliver what comes of the recording - the good, the bad and the ugly...

Wilson Sophia - a very "noble" loudspeaker with the ability to satisfy. Wide soundstage, accurate presentation.

Have a look also at the Zingali Overture 4 speakers - horn-based mid/high driver and the most amazing bass from a rather slim cabinet.


Thanks for your very articulate descriptions. Sounds like you've spent a lot of time listening and evaluating.
My pleasure,

Recently I have spent some 'quality' time with the Zingali's. What an amazing speaker. When comparing a Martin Logan to the Overture it is like night to day. The Zingali's are so much more vivid and inviting - you sit there 'feeding' on the lush & detailled sound produced form the Overtures. The ML's are good but they really sound "dull"...


i am amazed that the word "dull" would be used to describe the sound of martin logan speakers. i have never heard that term applied to a cls, which, has been charcterized as one of the most transparent speakers ever manufactured. what do you mean by dull ? can a speaker be bright and dull at the same time ?