Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?

Went to a recent seminar featuring Jim Smith, well known author of the book  "Get Better Sound"  and hi fi set up guru.

The basic gist of the discussion was that the most important elements of a high end stereo installation are listening position and speaker positioning, in that order.  The actual hardware (speakers, amplifiers, source, cables etc) are of less importance relatively speaking.

Yet it is clear from this web site and it's contents, that set up is discussed much less than the actual hardware.

When I look at the Virtual Systems page on site, I'm estimating that, maybe, 10% of the systems posted are close to well set up.  Thus, hardly any of the featured hardware is performing close to it's maximum potential.

Shame, and why is it so?  Not sexy enough to talk about system set up in depth?  Lack of knowledge?  Or is it simply too hard to do and too complex a subject?

Just my 2 cents ...


Showing 2 responses by sonic79

I spent a good amount of time positioning the speakers in my dedicated room. I ran strips of masking tape on the floor at 1/3, 1/4, and 1/5 room width. Then perpendicular strips every six inches from the front wall. I tried 19 different positions, making note of the impact on sound at each position. Once I found a spot that sounded best, I adjusted toe to taste. I then dialed the position in with a laser measure. I now have the speakers positioned equally within an 1/8" in all directions. Oh, and the listening chair is precisely placed as well.

Small adjustments can result in a big difference.


Starting with the speakers in a sub-optimal position, it's easy to discern improvements in the sound. As the speakers approach a more optimal position, the sound improves. It was absolutely something I could hear. Detailed note taking supported the optimum position, as three different times I preferred that location. The 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 room width markers were simply guides, just like the perpendicular strips placed every 6 inches. The final speaker position did not fall exactly on those markers.

And no reference sound was targeted. I am trying to get my system to sound the best it can in the room it is in–my ears being the barometer. 19 different positions is what it took to get one step closer to that goal.

My room is symmetrical, thus why I used a laser measure to precisely place the speakers, and yes, the listening chair too.